Business development management

Today, the dynamics of changes in business forces entrepreneurs to undertake numerous new activities in the area of business development. Technological changes, shorter product life-cycle and appearance of substitution products/services result in stronger market competition. On the other hand, new markets and possibilities arise and along with them new chances for business growth. This is why business development processes have become an indispensable element in all activities of ambitious enterprises. The areas which are especially sensitive in this respect are: development and diversification of the product, expanding of the sales network and keeping competent and motivated staff.   
According to the best practices of the most innovative companies, the most important role in the process of business development is played by two key elements: flexibility understood as the ability of fast reaction to unpredictable market behaviors (usually induced by competitors) and a long-term ability of adaptation to the changing conditions of business environment.
Just as in the strategy defining process, developing these two elements in an organization is a continuous process which today requires a completely new approach to the planning of development processes in the company. Nowadays, when the market has become very dynamic, companies which have developed a permanent culture of acceptance and support for changes stand a higher chance for their development and success. 
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