Strategy and planning

The dynamics of current market changes, globalization and widespread accessibility and speed of the information flow create a broad spectrum of challenges in terms of directions and possible ways of organization development. The extraordinary development of modern technologies creates today unique possibilities for further progress, but on the other hand it also brings numerous dangers that did not exist before.
Today’s meaning of strategy has completely changed because of shorter and shorter product life-cycle and dynamic changes in the market environment. The strategy defining process, its communication and implementation within the organization have become today a continuous process for many companies and the strategies approved by the companies are subject to relatively frequent modifications.
For managers and management boards strategy is a continuous process of taking decisions: how to build company’s market position, how to use the arising chances for development and how to keep advantages on the competitive market.

The complexity of simultaneously appearing threats and development possibilities cause that apart from invariably important questions, such as: which development directions choose, whether and how to modify the offer, new questions become crucial. These questions are: how to use optimally the existing resources and which activities should be eliminated to keep the organization concentrated on its main goals. Today, despite the key importance of an appropriate strategy for the company’s development, strategic planning gives often way to day-to-day activities and concentrating on operations. As a result, the time perspective of planning shortens too much.  

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