Interim management and operational support

Changes of strategy resulting from market changes, unexpected sales drops or organizational/staff problems are today typical business situations arising in small, middle-size and also large organizations. They can be dangerous for many of them. In such situations it is very helpful to use a short-term support of external specialists, especially when there is a need to act fast and precisely. Recruitment and hiring permanent experienced management staff can take too much time and be costly for the company.  
The entities which have larger structures and appropriate resources also use willingly external, independent specialists, to get objective assessment of the situation, or to get support in planning or implementing of necessary changes in the organization. In cases requiring firm reorganizational or repairing activities, operational Interim Management can decide about efficiency of those activities. Moreover, it can facilitate further cooperation between managers and their teams.      
In case of smaller companies and those at an early stage of their development (seed and start-up), which begin their activity from creating a new, innovative product whose development requires extensive knowledge and concentration on the product itself, there is very often a need for organizational support because of lack of resources or business experience. Providing such companies with appropriate operational know-how substantially increases their chances for a commercial success.   
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