Commercialization and market entrance support - offer

We are open for cooperation with companies playing in the area of innovations and new product implementation. We join operationally in the development processes covering various aspects of marketing, sales and project management. We prepare pricelists, discounts models and rules for sales, promotions and clearing. We support in defining legal rules for providing services and in constructing sales and promotion regulations. By appropriate PR activities we build product awareness enhancing demand on the market.
We take active part in prototyping processes, as well as in collecting opinions about the product from the market and analyzing them. We offer our operational support in launching the product to the market. We define sales and distribution channels both the company’s and the partner’s. We organize trainings in sales techniques and dedicated methods of sales of products. We cooperate with our customers in HR activities, supporting them in a good selection of sales staff.  
We cooperate with entrepreneurs from the earliest phases of product creation until its successful market launch. We know and understand the uniqueness of working with companies at the seed, start-up or early stage of development. Thanks to many years of experience in products/services commercialization, we can work side by side with engineers, taking over full responsibility for activities within the market area and giving them the chance to focus solely on the creation and development of the product.
Czas: 0.036 sek